Thursday, March 18, 2010

The unknown

I need some answers but am too scared to ask. I need to know why. Did they know? I think that they might have suspected. So why wasn't anything done? Do you know what it was like having to face him all the time? I was MADE to bring him plates of food or coffee, whatever. I wanted to pour it over his fucking head! I didn't think of it at the time that it was happening but now I think back and say why did every adult that I trusted and counted on to guide and protect me, let me down so greatly? At 17, I had a breakdown. Basically a nervous breakdown. My mother had died months earlier and I finally broke. Between the death of mom and being forced to actually be face to face with this slimeball, I couldn't take it. I actually told the doctors. Actually, they knew it. They asked me. How can doctors that I have never seen before in my life, look at me and know what was happening to me but my own family didn't? I feel betrayed and abandond. I want to know why my father acted and still acts like it never happened. I think that my mother suspected and on a drunken fury, I think that she tried to do something about it. I vaguely remember us all being at the Rockland Fair with our cousins and Aunts and my mother yelling "that mother fucker" and carrying on. She was crying and pulling away from the other adults trying to calm her. And then she stormed off. I didn't see her for the rest of the night but heard the adults whispering that she went there. I don't know if this incident was about me but I think that it was. The unkown is a ball in my chest. Did she try to protect me? Did someone that loved me actually try to protect me? I have hope. But the unknown could kill me if is not the way I remember it.

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